Yesterday was such a long day, been awake since 7am, college till almost 5pm and only got home at 8pm, was so crazy and I was so tired, completely exasuted. It's my fault because I'm so addicted to Gossip Girl and Grey's Anatomy that I'm watching a lot of episodes at night and I can't really sleep because of that.  But today I can relax, go to the gym, and work a bit on my personal projects (like the videos about reviews and some other stuff related to photoshoots). Ohh I need you advice for something, what do you think about this GORGEOUS blazer? I'm so in love with that, I can't really think about anything else and my BF is tired of me always talking about it, but I can't forget it!!! I want to buy it, and I think I will as soon as I can.

I'm so sorry for the bad quality of the photos but my "good" camera was at home and I couldn't bring her with me.. Ohh the dog isn't mine, but is the most adorable thing in the whole world!

This last couple of days I've been so happy with the blog, all of you are so nice to me and this week we reached the 3000 visits! I'm really happy and all because of you, a big THANK YOU to you all, and what about a video to thank to all of you? I'll think about it..

With all my ♥, Jo