The 68th cerimony of the Golden Globes was full of beautiful dresses and beautiful people and here are a few celebrities that rocked the red carpet yesterday night. 

Emma Stone and Melissa Leo wore amazing dresses that I really fell in love with! Angelina Jolie wore a terrible green dress, although the dress has an amazing shape, remind the vintage gown dresses, the color isn't that good for her. Natalie Portman showed her pregnancy belly, which by the way is soo cute and brought a Golden Globe home. Megan Fox and Carrie Underwood wore amazing dresses too, I would LOVE to be there and watch all the glamour of Hollywood in one night! How amazing is this event, and you can check the winners here! What's your favourite dress?

Are you excited for the giveaway? Can you already guess what it is? Don't forget to check sketch book six tomorrow and you'll know everyhting about it!


A 68ª cerimónia dos Globos de Ouro esteve cheia de vestidos LINDOS e pessoas maravilhosas e aqui ficam algumas das celebridades que arrasaram a red carpet ontem à noite.

A Emma Stone e a Melissa Leo usaram vestidos LINDOS pelos quais me apaixonei imediatamente, quanto à Angelina Jolie decidiu vestir um vestido com um tom verde horrível, embora tenha uma óptima silhueta, fazendo lembrar nos vestidos vintage de baile. A Natalie Portman trouxe para casa um Globo de Ouro e exibiu a sua barriguinha de grávida completamente adorável, quanto à Megan Fox e à Carrie Underwood, arrasaram a red carpet com dois vestidos absolutamente fenomenais. Adorava ter estado presente e ver todo o glamour de Hollywood daquela noite! Podem consultar os vencedores aqui!  Qual é o vosso vestido preferido?

Entusiasmadas para o giveaway? Não se esqueçam de visitar o sketch book six amanhã e vão saber TUDO sobre o giveaway!