Continuamos a nossa saga por Paris, hoje falamos de Dior, Marant, Vivienne Westwood e Lanvin que apresentaram ontem na semana da moda de Paris as suas propostas para a Primavera/Verão de 2012, colecções essas bastante distintas umas das outras. Enquanto que o arrojo de Vivienne Westwood nos remete para os filmes de Tim Burton, com um lado gótico e mais obscuro que o resto dos designers (uma das principais características de VW).
Lanvin exige um lado mais futurista, aderindo ao minimalismo das peças conjugando com a ilusão das silhuetas através de pedaços de tecidos de cores contrastantes para realçar as formas femininas, jogos de cor, de tecidos fluídos e de jogos de opacidades através dos diferentes materiais conjugados nas peças e cortes direitos que marcaram toda a colecção apresentada por Lanvin de tons sóbrios e pouco "chamativos" à Primavera, fugindo aos tradicionais jogos de cores vivas ou tons pastel que Nova Iorque nos propôs nas suas colecções.
Marant, surpreende sempre e desta vez as calças apresentadas foram uma das peças que mais gostei, bem como as malhas trabalhadas com entrelaçados de vários tons vivos dando uma alegria e uma nova energia a este tipo de peças que são caracterizadas pelo ar sóbrio e pesado que as estações mais frias lhe conferem.
Quanto a Christian Dior - Dior é Dior - as influências em épocas passadas, a melancolia do vintage, das adaptações das era femininas, onde os anos 40 reinam não só nas formas das peças que foram utilizadas como em todo o conjunto da colecção, dos chapéus às malas, dos sapatos à maquilhagem, do cabelo às saias rodadas abaixo do joelho, dando um toque de anos "2012" através dos tons utilizados e dos novos padrões utilizados. Uma colecção apaixonante, ou não fosse ela.. DIOR!
We continue our saga of Paris, today we speak of Dior, Marant, Vivienne Westwood and Lanvin who presented yesterday at the Paris fashion week its proposals for the spring / summer 2012, these collections very different from each other. While the boldness of Vivienne Westwood leads us to the films of Tim Burton, with a gothic sideand darker than the rest of the designers (one of the main characteristics of VW).
Lanvin requires a more futuristic side, adhering to the minimalism of pieces combiningwith the illusion of silhouettes using pieces of cloth of contrasting color to enhance thefemale form, color sets, fluids and tissue opacities games through different materialscombined in parts and cutting rights which marked the whole collection by Lanvinsober tone and not very "flashy" spring, escaping the traditional games of bright colorsor pastels that New York has proposed in its collections.
Marant, always surprises and this time his pants were presented one of the pieces that I liked and worked with the meshes woven of various bright colors giving a joy and anew energy to this kind of pieces that are characterized by sober and heavier than airthe colder seasons will bring.
The Christian Dior - Dior Dior is - influences in the past, the melancholy of vintageadaptations of the female was, where the 40 year reign not only in the shapes of the pieces which were used throughout the whole collection, hats the bags, shoes tomakeup, hair skirts below the knee, giving a touch of year "2012" through the tones used and new standards used. A fascinating collection, or was not it .. DIOR!
Lanvin requires a more futuristic side, adhering to the minimalism of pieces combiningwith the illusion of silhouettes using pieces of cloth of contrasting color to enhance thefemale form, color sets, fluids and tissue opacities games through different materialscombined in parts and cutting rights which marked the whole collection by Lanvinsober tone and not very "flashy" spring, escaping the traditional games of bright colorsor pastels that New York has proposed in its collections.
Marant, always surprises and this time his pants were presented one of the pieces that I liked and worked with the meshes woven of various bright colors giving a joy and anew energy to this kind of pieces that are characterized by sober and heavier than airthe colder seasons will bring.
The Christian Dior - Dior Dior is - influences in the past, the melancholy of vintageadaptations of the female was, where the 40 year reign not only in the shapes of the pieces which were used throughout the whole collection, hats the bags, shoes tomakeup, hair skirts below the knee, giving a touch of year "2012" through the tones used and new standards used. A fascinating collection, or was not it .. DIOR!
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