Bom dia sugars,
Dia de gravações exaustivo, a caminho da praia claro! Não há nada melhor do que passar o dia a trabalhar com um grupo de amigos super divertidos e animados! Estamos a gravar a curta-metragem "O Astrónomo" e estamos muito entusiasmados com o projecto!
Queria agradecer-vos por todo o apoio que me têm dado face aos acontecimentos menos bons, significa muito para mim ter todo este vosso apoio, é de facto fantástico! O meu mais sincero OBRIGADA
Good morning sugars,
Exhausting day of recording, the way to the beach of course! There is nothing better than spending theday working with a group of friends super fun and exciting! We are shooting the short film "TheAstronomer" and we are very excited about the project!
I want to thank you for all the support they have given me by the events less good, means a lot to me to have your support all this, it is indeed fantastic! My sincere THANKS
Exhausting day of recording, the way to the beach of course! There is nothing better than spending theday working with a group of friends super fun and exciting! We are shooting the short film "TheAstronomer" and we are very excited about the project!
I want to thank you for all the support they have given me by the events less good, means a lot to me to have your support all this, it is indeed fantastic! My sincere THANKS
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