diary | Kerastase's event
Ficam aqui as imagens do evento da Kerastase onde me foi dada a conhecer a nova gama para cabelos secos e estragados do Verão da qual já falei anteriormente aqui.
Here are the pictures of the Kerastase's event where I meet the new line called Force Architecte for damaged hair, know everything about it here
GIVEAWAY | ClubCouture and Sketchbook Six
O Sketchbook Six e o ClubCouture têm um giveaway para vocês! Estão preparados? Tudo o que têm de fazer é ir à página do facebook do ClubCouture e de fazer um "like" bem como ser seguidor da página do facebook do Sketchbook Six é só fazer mais um "like" para quem ainda não é seguidor da página.
Depois disto, têm de se dirigir ao site do ClubCouture que podem encontrar o ícone na barra lateral (é o último ícone da barra lateral) do blog e têm acesso ao site e deixar um comentário aqui no blog, via facebook, com o link da peça que mais gostaram e não se esqueçam do vosso e-mail para que vos possam contactar! O vencedor será escolhido através do random.org e têm até dia 21 de Setembro para participar até às 23h59!
Ficam aqui alguns dos meus modelos preferidos que podem encontrar no site! BOA SORTE !
Sketchbook Six and ClubCouture have a giveaway for you! Are you ready? All you have to do is go to the ClubCouture facebook page and do a "like" as well as being a follower of the Sketchbook Six facebook page just do one more "like" to whom is not yet a follower of the page.
After that, you have to go to the site ClubCouture that you can find the icon in the sidebar (this is the last icon on the sidebar) and have access to the site and leave a comment here on the blog, via facebook , with the link to the piece that you like the most and do not forget your e-mail so that we can contact you! The winner will be chosen through random.org and you have until September 21st to participate until 23h59 (London time)!
Here are some of my favorite models that can find on the site! GOOD LUCK!
After that, you have to go to the site ClubCouture that you can find the icon in the sidebar (this is the last icon on the sidebar) and have access to the site and leave a comment here on the blog, via facebook , with the link to the piece that you like the most and do not forget your e-mail so that we can contact you! The winner will be chosen through random.org and you have until September 21st to participate until 23h59 (London time)!
Here are some of my favorite models that can find on the site! GOOD LUCK!
L'oreal Expert Liss Extrême serum /
Aussie 3 Minute Miracle Mascara /
Gliss Hair Repair Oil Nutritive /
beauty | End of Summer Hair Care
L'oreal Expert Liss Extrême serum /
Aussie 3 Minute Miracle Mascara /
Gliss Hair Repair Oil Nutritive /
O Verão está a chegar ao fim e isso significa que é altura de ir dar umas valentes tesouradas no cabelo para acabar com as pontas espigadas e o cabelo seco, no entanto há outros tratamentos e cuidados que devemos para além da ida frequente ao cabeleireiro.
Estes são os produtos que tenho usado agora que o final do Verão se aproxima: um sérum para manter o meu cabelo liso e evitar que ganhe os jeitos de cabelo rebelde, evitar o bad hair day, da L'oreal da linha profissional, uma máscara MILAGROSA da marca Aussie recém chegada a Portugal e que acreditem que faz mesmo milagres, e só o cheiro da máscara dá vontade de comer, e um óleo nutritivo da Gliss para evitar as pontas espigadas!
Summer is coming to an end and that means it's time to go for a few brave snips the hairto eliminate split ends and dry hair, however there are other treatments and care that weoften gone beyond the hairdresser.
These are the products I have used now that the end of summer approaches: a serum to keep my hair smooth and prevent the ways to get unruly hair, avoid bad hair day, L'Oreal professional line, a mask miracle brand Aussie newcomer to Portugal and they believe that even makes miracles, and only mask the smell makes you want to eat, and an oil's nutritional Gliss to prevent split ends!
These are the products I have used now that the end of summer approaches: a serum to keep my hair smooth and prevent the ways to get unruly hair, avoid bad hair day, L'Oreal professional line, a mask miracle brand Aussie newcomer to Portugal and they believe that even makes miracles, and only mask the smell makes you want to eat, and an oil's nutritional Gliss to prevent split ends!
RUNWAY| Ralph Lauren SS12
Inspiração? Anos 20. Cores? Pastel. Tecidos? Suaves e fluídos. Colecção? Fantástica. De quem? Ralph Lauren para a próxima Primavera-Verão! Acho que só por ser Ralph Lauren diz tudo, não acham? Eu sou uma suspeita, sempre adorei Ralph Lauren e cada vez gosto mais, principalmente quando se juntam os anos 20, com os tons pastel, os cortes femininos e românticos e os tecidos que só fazem desejar a Primavera de novo.
Gostam da colecção? Não sei sinceramente qual destes modelos é o meu favorito.. É Ralph Lauren, e mais não digo.
Inspiration? 20's. Colors? Pastel. Fabrics? Smooth and fluid. Collection? Fantastic.Who? Ralph Lauren for next spring-summer! I think Ralph Lauren just because it says it all, eh? I am a suspect, I always loved Ralph Lauren and increasingly like the most,especially when they join the 20 years, with pastel, romantic and feminine cuts andfabrics that do not want to spring again.
Like the collection? Honestly I do not know which of these models is my favorite .. It is Ralph Lauren, and I say no more.
Like the collection? Honestly I do not know which of these models is my favorite .. It is Ralph Lauren, and I say no more.
OBSESSION | BB's arty ring
A paixão pelo anel arty ring é cada vez maior, no entanto temos de admitir que nem todas podemos gastar uma quantia tão elevada num anel, apesar de ser YSL é um anel e muitas pessoas pensam nisso, no entanto há uma solução para isso, a Beginning Boutique tem uma versão do mesmo anel a um preço bem mais acessível, podem encontrá-lo em várias cores.
Confesso que fiquei de olho no anel preto e dourado, acho que é uma combinação perfeita para esta estação que aí vem, não acham? Quem está a pensar encomendar um arty ring da Beginning Boutique? Saibam mais sobre os anéis aqui
The passion for arty ring is growing, however we must admit that not all of us can spend an amount as high in a ring, although it is a YSL and many people think of it, however there is a solution for this, Beginning Boutique is a version of the same ring at a much affordable price can find it in several colors.
I confess I was watching in black and gold ring, I think it is a perfect match for this season that is coming, eh? Who is thinking aboutordering a ring of arty Beginning Boutique? Know more about the rings here
I confess I was watching in black and gold ring, I think it is a perfect match for this season that is coming, eh? Who is thinking aboutordering a ring of arty Beginning Boutique? Know more about the rings here
BEAUTY | Kerastase Force Architecte
Ontem tive a oportunidade fantástica de poder conhecer a nova gama que a Kérastase lançou para os cabelos secos e danificados do Verão, do vento e de outros factores que afectam a fibra capilar. A gama Force Architecte da Kérastase é inteiramente dedicada ao tratamento deste problema que afecta muitas de nós, certamente não era só eu que tinha a sensação de ter o cabelo muito seco nas pontas, ainda para mais tendo o meu cabelo tendência para aclarar no Verão.
Inicialmente explicaram-me toda a tecnologia inovadora do produto, a combinação de 3 activos que ajudam a fechar as pontas duplas, ou pontas espigadas, o activo que ajuda a nutrir e o outro que ajuda a reparar e a estruturar a fibra do cabelo mantendo-o saudável. Fizeram-me também um teste ao cabelo onde através de uma máquina conseguimos ampliar até 600 vezes mais e ver detalhadamente a fibra de um fio de cabelo meu e ter uma noção de quão desgastada estava e comparando-a com uma fibra capilar normal, e para isso há solução!
A gama é constituída por uma máscara que ajuda a nutrir e hidratar todo o cabelo, Masque Force Architecte que é aplicada no banho depois do shampoo, tal como uma máscara normal, deixando-a algum tempo de repouso. A inovação está no leite reparador que é aplicado antes de secar o cabelo, com o cabelo húmido, Ciment Anti-Usure, que protege o cabelo do secador e das placas de cabelo e após a secagem do cabelo normal é aplicado o serúm Fibre Architecte que contém duas texturas, uma espécie de óleo e outro lado com um gel que juntos ajudam a reparar todo o cabelo e dar um reforço maior nas pontas. O cabelo fica mesmo muito mais brilhante e hidratado, suave e o melhor de tudo? Notam logo diferença nas pontas do cabelo, ficam muito mais suaves e notam que estão menos espigadas! Estou ansiosa por continuar a usar o tratamento em casa!
Yesterday I had the fantastic opportunity to get to know the new range that Kérastase launched for dry and damaged hair in the summer, wind and other factors affecting the hair fiber. The range of Kérastase Architecte Force is entirely devoted to the treatment of this problem that affects many of us, certainly was not just me who had the feeling of having very dry hair at the tips even more for having the tendency to lighten my hair in the summer
Initially explained to me all the innovative technology of the product, the combination of three assets that help to close the split ends or split ends, the asset that helps nourish and one that helps repair and fiber structure of the hair keeping it healthy . I also did a test where the hair through a machine able to expand to 600 times more detail and see the fiber of a strand of my hair and get a sense of how eroded and was comparing it to a normal hair fiber, and this is no solution!
The range consists of a mask that helps to nourish and moisturize any hair, Architecte Masque Force that is applied after the shampoo in the bath as a normal mask, letting it rest a while. Innovation is the repairer that is applied to milk before drying your hair, hair wet, Ciment Anti-Usure, which protects the hair dryer and hair straightener and after drying of the normal hair serum is applied to Fibre Architecte contains two textures, a kind of oil and other side with a gel that together help to repair all the hair and give a greater increase in tips. The hair is really bright and hydrated, soft and best of all? Soon notice a difference in the tips of the hair are much smoother and less noticeable they are spindly! I am eager to continue to use the treatment at home!
Initially explained to me all the innovative technology of the product, the combination of three assets that help to close the split ends or split ends, the asset that helps nourish and one that helps repair and fiber structure of the hair keeping it healthy . I also did a test where the hair through a machine able to expand to 600 times more detail and see the fiber of a strand of my hair and get a sense of how eroded and was comparing it to a normal hair fiber, and this is no solution!
The range consists of a mask that helps to nourish and moisturize any hair, Architecte Masque Force that is applied after the shampoo in the bath as a normal mask, letting it rest a while. Innovation is the repairer that is applied to milk before drying your hair, hair wet, Ciment Anti-Usure, which protects the hair dryer and hair straightener and after drying of the normal hair serum is applied to Fibre Architecte contains two textures, a kind of oil and other side with a gel that together help to repair all the hair and give a greater increase in tips. The hair is really bright and hydrated, soft and best of all? Soon notice a difference in the tips of the hair are much smoother and less noticeable they are spindly! I am eager to continue to use the treatment at home!
diary | 20110914
No evento da Kerastase, após o tratamento de reparação dos cabelos danificados ter sido aplicado, foi altura do brushing e de sentir o resultado final! Um cabelo super suave e muito mais brilhante!
At the Kerastase event, after the repair treatment for damaged hair, it was time to meet the final result, a super shinny and healthy hair without cutting it!
Local Store top /
H&M skirt FW10 /
Good morniing!
Yesterday was a day very different from what we're used to seeing around here without going to the gym and not round the pool, the day was spent in Lisbon! The morning passed in El Corte Inglés to look for a bag for college where he could put the laptop and notebooks as well as all the stuff that college requires. I had the opportunity to go to the exposure of the celebration of 50 years of Barbie that was in the El Corte Inglés and I regret not having the drum machine to show you some models that were exposed as Audrey Hepburn, Grease, Titanic, and some tributes Marilyn Monroe, Heidi Klum and many others, as you can imagine.
I spent the afternoon at the Spa Lucia Piloto, a fabulous place full of glamour and it was time to treat the hair and give you a nice injection of nutrition and repair to my hair with the new Kerastase treatment called Force Architecte that is aimed at the stag and very damaged hair, to learn more about the event and the full range and to have access to all information, I will devote a post exclusively to the treatment so they can learn better, Anyway no doubt you can always send me an email with your questions.
The late afternoon was dedicated to the cutest boyfriend in the world, put a perfect sunset in a wonderful place and I say no more, it's a secret!
diary | 20110914
Local Store top /
H&M skirt FW10 /
Bom dia!
Ontem foi um dia bem diferente daquele que estamos habituadas a ver por aqui, sem ida ao ginásio e sem ida à piscina, o dia foi passado por Lisboa! A parte da manhã passada no El Corte Inglés a procurar uma mala para a faculdade onde conseguisse colocar o portátil e os cadernos bem como todo o material que a faculdade exige. Tive a oportunidade de ir até à exposição da celebração dos 50 anos da Barbie que estava no El Corte Inglés e tive pena de não ter bateria na máquina para vos mostrar alguns modelos que estavam expostos como os de Audrey Hepburn, Grease, Titanic e algumas homenagens a Marilyn Monroe, Heidi Klum entre muitos outros, como devem imaginar.
Da parte da tarde passei pelo Spa da Lúcia Piloto, um lugar fabuloso cheio de glamour e com muito bom gosto na Avenida 5 de Outubro e foi altura para tratar do cabelo e dar-lhe uma bela injecção de nutrição e reparação com o novo tratamento da Kerastase chamado Force Architecte que é direccionado para os cabelos estagados e muito danificados, para saberem mais sobre o evento e toda a gama e para que tenham acesso a toda a informação, vou dedicar um post exclusivo ao tratamento para que o possam conhecer melhor, de qualquer forma quaisquer dúvida podem sempre enviar-me um e-mail com as vossas dúvidas.
O final de tarde foi dedicado ao namorado mais lindo do mundo, um pôr-do-sol perfeito num lugar maravilhoso e mais não digo, é segredo!
Estou muito entusiasmada com uns projectos que estão a nascer e dos quais tenho todo o prazer de pertencer e o maior orgulho do mundo e esses projectos não seriam possíveis sem a vossa ajuda, e tenho de vos agradecer do fundo do coração por isso. Assim que puder divulgar, serão os primeiros a saber podem ter a certeza!
Good morniing!
Yesterday was a day very different from what we're used to seeing around here without going to the gym and not round the pool, the day was spent in Lisbon! The morning passed in El Corte Inglés to look for a bag for college where he could put the laptop and notebooks as well as all the stuff that college requires. I had the opportunity to go to the exposure of the celebration of 50 years of Barbie that was in the El Corte Inglés and I regret not having the drum machine to show you some models that were exposed as Audrey Hepburn, Grease, Titanic, and some tributes Marilyn Monroe, Heidi Klum and many others, as you can imagine.
I spent the afternoon at the Spa Lucia Piloto, a fabulous place full of glamour and it was time to treat the hair and give you a nice injection of nutrition and repair to my hair with the new Kerastase treatment called Force Architecte that is aimed at the stag and very damaged hair, to learn more about the event and the full range and to have access to all information, I will devote a post exclusively to the treatment so they can learn better, Anyway no doubt you can always send me an email with your questions.
The late afternoon was dedicated to the cutest boyfriend in the world, put a perfect sunset in a wonderful place and I say no more, it's a secret!
runway | RODARTE SS12
Spring/Summer 2012
Um dos looks apresentados na colecção RODARTE para a próxima estação, colecção essa que foi inspirada por alguns quadros nomeadamente de Van Gogh, apesar de não ter achado a colecção brilhante como esperava, depois do sucesso com o guarda-roupa de Black Swan, esta combinação do azul com o dourado deixou-me inspirada e resultou muito bem.
Parece que com as novas tendências dos metalizados e a mistura com os tons pastel vão ser um MUST e boas apostas para as próximas estações mais quentes.
One of the looks presented at the Rodarte collection for next season, this collection was inspired by some paintings including Van Gogh, who has not found the collection as bright as expected, after the success with the wardrobe of Black Swan, this combinationblue with the golden left me inspired and worked out really good. It seems that with the new trends in metallic and pastel colors mixed with a MUST and will be good bets for the upcoming warmer seasons.
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