RUNWAY | Paris Fashion Week SS12
Depois de Nova Iorque, Londres, Milão, chegou a vez de Paris, uma das semanas da moda que mais me entusiasmada sem dúvida alguma e onde foram apresentadas colecções completamente diferentes daquelas que vimos anteriormente pelas outras capitais mundiais da Moda. Deixando os tons pastel de parte, os floridos e as combinações de verde menta com camel e rosa, chegou agora a vez de vermos umas quantas colecções com base num olhar futurista e mais dinâmico.
Enquanto que Gareth Pugh nos apresenta uma colecção bem extravagante com conjugação de materiais diferentes em apenas dois tons, preto e branco, brincando com tiras sobrepostas conseguindo desta forma obter texturas e "padrões" diferentes daqueles que estamos habituados a ver, talvez algo muito ao estilo de Lady Gaga de formas direitas e cortes que realçam a silhueta feminina, reparem na reinterpretação do "little black dress", não é fabuloso?
Já Mugler fascinou-me pelos tons usados, o camel e o branco são sem dúvida um clássico para mim e resulta sempre bem, aliás é uma das combinações que quero utilizar muito este Outono/Inverno e os cortes nas peças dá o cunho pessoal "Mugler" que estamos habituadas a ver, confesso que até usava as calças extravagantes que Mugler apresentou com aplicações em brilhantes.
Quanto a Felipe Oliveira Baptista, mais uma excelente colecção, brincando com os zippers diferentes e conseguindo dar um toque de irreverência a peças simples e casuais. Já os tons utilizados, confesso que o look cinzento e branco é sem dúvida o meu favorito de toda a colecção Primavera/Verão, algo muito minimalista mas com o detalhe que marca a diferença.
After New York, London, Milan, Paris's turn came, a week of fashion I'm most excited about and certainly where collections were presented quite different from those seen previously by other world capitals of fashion. Leaving aside the pastel colors, the combinations of flowers and mint green with pink and camel, it is now instead of seeing a few collections based on a futuristic look and more dynamic.
While Gareth Pugh presents us with an extravagant collection and combination of different materials in just two colors, black and white, playing with overlapping strips thus gaining more textures and "standards" than those we are accustomed to seeing, maybe as much in the style Lady Gaga and cuts right of ways that enhance the feminine silhouette, you see the reinterpretation of the "little black dress" is not fabulous?
It fascinated me Mugler tones used by the camel and white are no doubt a classic for me and it always results well, is also one of the combinations that I use a lot this fall / winter and cuts in parts gives the personal touch "Mugler" we're used to seeing, I confess I used to fancy the pants that Mugler presented with applications in bright.
As for Felipe Oliveira Baptista, plus an excellent collection, playing with different zippers and getting a touch of irreverence to the simple and casual pieces. Since the tones used, I admit that the gray and white look is definitely my favorite of all the Spring / Summer, very minimalist but with the detail that makes the difference.
After New York, London, Milan, Paris's turn came, a week of fashion I'm most excited about and certainly where collections were presented quite different from those seen previously by other world capitals of fashion. Leaving aside the pastel colors, the combinations of flowers and mint green with pink and camel, it is now instead of seeing a few collections based on a futuristic look and more dynamic.
While Gareth Pugh presents us with an extravagant collection and combination of different materials in just two colors, black and white, playing with overlapping strips thus gaining more textures and "standards" than those we are accustomed to seeing, maybe as much in the style Lady Gaga and cuts right of ways that enhance the feminine silhouette, you see the reinterpretation of the "little black dress" is not fabulous?
It fascinated me Mugler tones used by the camel and white are no doubt a classic for me and it always results well, is also one of the combinations that I use a lot this fall / winter and cuts in parts gives the personal touch "Mugler" we're used to seeing, I confess I used to fancy the pants that Mugler presented with applications in bright.
As for Felipe Oliveira Baptista, plus an excellent collection, playing with different zippers and getting a touch of irreverence to the simple and casual pieces. Since the tones used, I admit that the gray and white look is definitely my favorite of all the Spring / Summer, very minimalist but with the detail that makes the difference.
CLOSET | Glitter shoes
Já dizia a Carrie Bradshaw "Men I may not know, but shoes, shoes I know", sei que todas as mulheres deviam ter um par de pumps no armário, e uns pumps como estes de brilhantes fazem a delícia de qualquer "princesa". Apesar do look Barbie que uns pumps como estes dão ao meu armário, eu adoro-os do fundo do coração e por incrível que pareça foram comprados numa loja local e têm óptima qualidade e são super confortáveis devido à plataforma que tem à frente para sustentar o salto absurdo de 13 cm que nos dá a ilusão de perna mais alongada e magra.
Agora perguntam-me vocês e "quando é que vais usar isso?" pois bem, imaginem um look enfadonho de umas simples calças de ganga e uma t-shirt, agora juntem estes babies et voila! Celebridades como a Christina Aguilera que se apodera de uns Louboutins (what a bitch!) destes ou até mesmo de Carrie Bradshaw com uns Manolo de brilhantes, chegou agora a minha vez de conter uns destes no meu armário, confesso que até estou a pensar pintar a sola de vermelho..
Carrie Bradshaw once said "I May Not Men know, but shoes, shoes I know," I know thatall women should have a pair of pumps in the closet, and a few of these pumps as brightto the delight of any "princess". Despite the Barbie look like these pumps give some to my closet, I love them with all my heart and oddly enough were bought at a local storeand have excellent quality and are super comfortable due to the platform in front of youto support the absurd leap of 13 cm which gives us the illusion of elongated legs and lean.
Now you and I ask "when are you gonna use that?" Well, imagine a boring look of somesimple jeans and a t-shirt, now join these babies et voila! Celebrities such as ChristinaAguilera taking possession of some Louboutins (what a bitch!) Of these or even CarrieBradshaw Manolo with a diamond, it is now my turn to hold one of these in my closet, I confess that I'm even thinking of painting the soles of red .....
Now you and I ask "when are you gonna use that?" Well, imagine a boring look of somesimple jeans and a t-shirt, now join these babies et voila! Celebrities such as ChristinaAguilera taking possession of some Louboutins (what a bitch!) Of these or even CarrieBradshaw Manolo with a diamond, it is now my turn to hold one of these in my closet, I confess that I'm even thinking of painting the soles of red .....
The giveaway ends on 5 October 23:59 (London time) GOOD LUCK and let's SHARE the LOVE!
GIVEAWAY | LOVE & Sketchbook Six
Óptimas notícias, chegou a vez de mais um giveaway, desta vez a LOVE e o blog Sketchbook Six uniram-se para vos dar a oportunidade de ganharem um vestido à vossa escolha da LOVE e tudo o que têm de fazer é o seguinte:
Fazer um "like" na página do facebook da LOVE; Fazer um "like" na página do facebook do Sketchbook Six; Partilhar no vosso blog, twitter, tumblr ou até mesmo facebook o giveaway; Deixar o comentário com o link do vestido que mais gostam do site da LOVE bem como o link do giveway partilhado e o vosso e-mail para que vos possamos contactar;
O giveaway termina dia 5 de Outubro às 23h59 (London time); BOA SORTE e toca a partilhar!
Great news, another giveaway, this time LOVE and Sketchbook Six teamed up to give you the chance to win a dress of your choice of LOVE and all you have to do is the following:
Make a "like" the facebook page of LOVE, "like" the facebook page of the Sketchbook Six; Share on your blog, twitter, tumblr facebook or even the giveaway, leave the comment with the link of the dress thet you liked the most from the LOVE website and leave a comment with your e-mail for us to contact you!
Make a "like" the facebook page of LOVE, "like" the facebook page of the Sketchbook Six; Share on your blog, twitter, tumblr facebook or even the giveaway, leave the comment with the link of the dress thet you liked the most from the LOVE website and leave a comment with your e-mail for us to contact you!
The giveaway ends on 5 October 23:59 (London time) GOOD LUCK and let's SHARE the LOVE!
diary | 20110924
A melhor maneira de começar o Outono foi assim, a Praia do Pego estava com um por-do-sol FABULOSO e eu não resisti em tirar algumas fotografias. Por-do-sol, a companhia perfeita, muitas promessas, um refúgio fantástico para esquecer e tentar relaxar antes que o stress do dia-a-dia volte.
The best way to start the autumn was this way, Praia do Pego by-the-sun FABULOUS and I could not resist to take some pictures. Sunsets, the perfect company, a lot of promises, a fantastic getaway to forget and try to relax before the stressed routine
BEAUTY | Urban Decay & Sephora
Eu que sou uma viciada em maquilhagem, principalmente atraídas pelas marcas que não temos cá. A presença da M.A.C, da Benefit e da linha de cosméticos YSL já me preenche os desejos, no entanto esta semana passei pela Sephora e fiquei super contente quando vi o stand da Urban Decay Cosmetics na Sephora do Cascaishopping! Pois é meninas, parece que vou deixar lá uns quantos euros na Sephora agora que já vou ter acesso aos primers potions da marca, bem como a Naked palette que tanto sucesso faz a nivel internacional. Boas notícias, certo?
I who am a makeup junkie, mainly attracted by the brands that we have here. The presence of MAC, Benefit and the line of YSL cosmetics I already fulfills the wishes, however this week I went through Sephora and I was glad when I saw the stand of Urban Decay Cosmetics at Sephora's Cascaishopping! Well girls, looks like I'll leave it there a few euros on Sephora now that I have access to potions brand primers, and theNaked palette that is so successful at international level. Good news, right?
I who am a makeup junkie, mainly attracted by the brands that we have here. The presence of MAC, Benefit and the line of YSL cosmetics I already fulfills the wishes, however this week I went through Sephora and I was glad when I saw the stand of Urban Decay Cosmetics at Sephora's Cascaishopping! Well girls, looks like I'll leave it there a few euros on Sephora now that I have access to potions brand primers, and theNaked palette that is so successful at international level. Good news, right?
GOSSIP | FOX LIFE Mildred Pierce and Downton Abbey Abbey
Se são umas adeptas da FOX LIFE como eu, bem como de séries e filmes de época (depois do grande sucesso da série The Kennedys), a Fox Life prepara-se para estrear mais duas mini-séries, Mildred Pierce e Downton Abbey já no próximo dia 10 de Outubro.
‘Mildred Pierce’ é uma mini série de cinco episódios protagonizada pela inigualável Kate Winslet, e narra a história de uma mulher que, nos anos 30, contraria as conservadoras normas vigentes durante o período da grande depressão, tornando-se uma empresária de sucesso. ‘Mildred Pierce’ dois Emmy Awards para Melhor Actriz Principal (Kate Winslet) e Melhor Actor Secundário (Guy Pearce). Esta produção é uma adaptação do romance de James M. Cain de 1941 e conta com participações de Guy Pierce, Melissa Leo, Evan Rachel Wood e Hope Davis.
Quanto a ‘Downton Abbey’ centra a sua história numa ancestral e nobre família inglesa. Sir Robert Crawley, Earl of Grantham, só teve filhas e, num tempo em que apenas os filhos varões podiam herdar os títulos e bens, vê-se obrigado a garantir a preservação do património familiar através do casamento de uma das filhas com o seu primo e herdeiro. A trama gira não só em torno dos senhores, mas também das movimentações da criadagem, numa série que retrata a alta sociedade inglesa nos últimos anos antes do deflagrar da I Grande Guerra. Esta série recebeu quatro Emmy Awards, entre os quais Melhor Actriz Secundária (Maggie Smith) e ainda para melhor Mini Série.
Diferentes épocas retratadas com um cuidado que torna estas séries portentosas. Diferentes mulheres, interpretadas por grandes atrizes, de caráter forte, lutadoras e exemplos para o seu tempo.
If one is adept at FOX LIFE as I, as well as time series and movies (after the great success of the series The Kennedys), Fox Life prepares to debut two more mini-series, Mildred Pierce and Abbey have in Downtown 10th of October.
"Mildred Pierce" is a miniseries of five episodes starring the incomparable Kate Winslet, and tells the story of a woman who, in 30 years, contrary to the prevailing conservative norms during the Great Depression, becoming a successful entrepreneur.'Mildred Pierce' two Emmy Awards for Best Actress (Kate Winslet) and Best Supporting Actor (Guy Pearce). This production is an adaptation of the novel by James M. Cain, 1941 and features guest appearances by Guy Pierce, Melissa Leo, Evan Rachel Wood and Hope Davis.
As for 'Abbey Downton' focuses its story in an ancient and noble English family. Sir Robert Crawley, Earl of Grantham, had only daughters, and a time when only sons could inherit titles and property, is obliged to ensure the preservation of family through the marriage of a daughter with his cousin and heir. The plot revolves around not only you but the servants of the movements in a series that depicts the English high society in the last year before the outbreak of the First World War. This series received four Emmy Awards, including Best Supporting Actress (Maggie Smith) and also for best miniseries.
Various times depicted with a care that makes this series prodigious. Different women, played by great actresses of strong character, wrestlers and examples for your time.
"Mildred Pierce" is a miniseries of five episodes starring the incomparable Kate Winslet, and tells the story of a woman who, in 30 years, contrary to the prevailing conservative norms during the Great Depression, becoming a successful entrepreneur.'Mildred Pierce' two Emmy Awards for Best Actress (Kate Winslet) and Best Supporting Actor (Guy Pearce). This production is an adaptation of the novel by James M. Cain, 1941 and features guest appearances by Guy Pierce, Melissa Leo, Evan Rachel Wood and Hope Davis.
As for 'Abbey Downton' focuses its story in an ancient and noble English family. Sir Robert Crawley, Earl of Grantham, had only daughters, and a time when only sons could inherit titles and property, is obliged to ensure the preservation of family through the marriage of a daughter with his cousin and heir. The plot revolves around not only you but the servants of the movements in a series that depicts the English high society in the last year before the outbreak of the First World War. This series received four Emmy Awards, including Best Supporting Actress (Maggie Smith) and also for best miniseries.
Various times depicted with a care that makes this series prodigious. Different women, played by great actresses of strong character, wrestlers and examples for your time.
BEAUTY | Benefit Cosmetics Skin Care Foamingly Clean
Um dos passos mais importantes para termos uma pele bonita e saudável é a limpeza e como a Benefit Cosmetics é uma das melhores marcas que se preocupa com a beleza da mulher, lançou o Foamingly Clean, um produto de limpeza facial que é milagroso, remove não só as impurezas como qualquer vestigio de maquilhagem e deixa a pele super fresca e limpa numa só passagem, é um dos passos mais importantes e embora a preguiça às vezes seja muita para lavar a cara e remover a maquilhagem antes de me deitar, é um passo que a longo prazo vai dar resultados e com uma embalagem como esta, quem é que evita saltar este passo?
One of the most important steps to have a beautiful, healthy skin is clean and like BenefitCosmetics is one of the best brand that cares about the beauty of women, launched theClean Foamingly, a face wash that is miraculous, not remove only the trace of anyimpurities such as makeup and leaves skin super fresh and clean in one pass, is one of the most important and although it is sometimes much too lazy to wash the face and remove makeup before going to bed, is a step that long-term results and will give apackage like this, who is avoiding skip this step?
FASHION | Club Couture Flairaw
A Club Couture acabou de lançar a nova colecção para 2011, chama-se Flairaw e é inspirada no romance, na sensualidade e no poder de ser mulher e como devemos tirar partido disso. Adoro a colecção e alguns dos meus itens preferidos são esta rose tote bag, sheer lace cardigan e chiffon skirt irresistivel. Podem dar uma olhada em toda a colecção, aqui
Club Couture just launched the new collection for 2011, it's called Flairaw and it's inspired by romance, sensuality and the power of being woman, taking advantage of the best that we have! And I'm completely IN love with the collection, some of my favourite pieces are the rose tote bag, the sheer lace cardigan and this amazing chiffon skirt. You can shop the collection here.
Desde pequena que vou para Tróia, costumava passar lá uns dias todos os anos e ultimamente, desde que têm modificado a zona e "urbanizado" Tróia, não passava por lá há uns anos. Cada vez gosto mais de Tróia, ia na esperança de ver uns quantos golfinhos, visto que o meu irmão cada vez que lá vai consegue ver, no entanto não tive muita sorte. O dia esteve óptimo, uma tarde perfeita pela praia de Tróia, junto ao Casino e ao Hotel, as urbanizações e aldeamentos que têm construído têm atraído cada vez mais pessoas e espero que não arruinem este pequeno pedaço de paraíso que temos.
Andámos sempre super animados, a diversão esteve presente durante toda a viagem e adorei explorar os arrozais no Defender, deu fotografias muito giras e com efeitos de cor fantásticos.
Since childhood I go to Troy, there used to spend a few days every year and lately,since they have changed the area and "urbanized" Troy, there was only a few years ago. Every time like most of Troy, was hoping to see a few dolphins, since my brotherevery time there is going to see, but have not had much luck. The day was great, aperfect afternoon on the beach of Troy, near the Casino and Hotel, the settlements andvillages that have built has attracted more and more people and hopefully not ruin this little piece of paradise we have.
They are always very excited, the fun was present throughout the trip and loved to explore the rice paddies on the Defender, gave tours and photographs very color effectsfantastic.
diary | 20110923
Desde pequena que vou para Tróia, costumava passar lá uns dias todos os anos e ultimamente, desde que têm modificado a zona e "urbanizado" Tróia, não passava por lá há uns anos. Cada vez gosto mais de Tróia, ia na esperança de ver uns quantos golfinhos, visto que o meu irmão cada vez que lá vai consegue ver, no entanto não tive muita sorte. O dia esteve óptimo, uma tarde perfeita pela praia de Tróia, junto ao Casino e ao Hotel, as urbanizações e aldeamentos que têm construído têm atraído cada vez mais pessoas e espero que não arruinem este pequeno pedaço de paraíso que temos.
Andámos sempre super animados, a diversão esteve presente durante toda a viagem e adorei explorar os arrozais no Defender, deu fotografias muito giras e com efeitos de cor fantásticos.
Since childhood I go to Troy, there used to spend a few days every year and lately,since they have changed the area and "urbanized" Troy, there was only a few years ago. Every time like most of Troy, was hoping to see a few dolphins, since my brotherevery time there is going to see, but have not had much luck. The day was great, aperfect afternoon on the beach of Troy, near the Casino and Hotel, the settlements andvillages that have built has attracted more and more people and hopefully not ruin this little piece of paradise we have.
They are always very excited, the fun was present throughout the trip and loved to explore the rice paddies on the Defender, gave tours and photographs very color effectsfantastic.
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